Amanda Weaver, MPS (c), BA
September 18, 2024
As a student completing my master's level program in Psychotherapy and Spirituality, I have a special interest and passion for spirituality and exploring the ways that spirituality can be incorporated into healing.

Emergence and reintroduction
As I emerge from the depth of my own doings and shame, I would like to take the time to reintroduce myself. I am you in many ways navigating this human experience, in curiosity and wonder.
Or maybe I am the parts of you that need remembering, those experiences caught up in the busyness of life and others' expectations of what you should do and who you should be. Truthfully, through this space, I intend to explore this experience with you as I write and create a space for you to explore your own mind.
Admittedly, I am fascinated by consciousness and through my fascination, I want to
create an experience in this forum for you to experience yourself through words, through self-exploration but also through an understanding that develops and feels right for yourself in your own unfolding.
Discovering, encountering, and contemplating
Like many born in the Western world, I have lived a very individualistic lifestyle with pockets of communalism through associations and societies, structured environments such as public school systems. I have experienced joy, I have experienced hope, and I have experienced love, all from the lens through which I see the world. In those moments of time, I have witnessed myself through another and their lens in which they project onto this world.
You will always see me through the lens of your own consciousness; therefore, through this process, you will uncover parts of who I am as an unfolding, and in that processing, you will also witness your own unfolding process.
Are you willing to walk this path with me as I write, reflect, and support you in your own understanding? If you are, let's begin.
A memory that keeps coming to my mind's eye that wants to be shared is a moment when I was swinging on the swing at my family home. I was young, and although I felt I was the oldest I have ever been, I would close my eyes and through my eyelids the sun would shine red into my mind's eye. I felt love then, I felt a connection to the sun, source/creator/God, and the environment around me as if to say regardless of what comes up in that moment.
Reflect to a time in your life where you felt peace. What did it look like? What colour was present or vibrant? What did it feel like? What age were you at this time? What was your environment like in this moment? See if you can pull a piece if not the whole experience into your present moment in the here and now.
All we have is this moment. Regardless of where you are in your life, know that you are being witnessed and witnessing your own becoming and your own unbecoming without judgment because this life is for you to experience being human. That is why you are here.
A few last words of encouragement
Always Remember - “I am you and you are me, how cliche until you step out of your own way and see your contribution to the cosmos”.
Will see what comes up in my next post. Stay tuned.